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Doula Support: Partners in Pregnancy and Birth
Apr 22, 2024

The journey of pregnancy, from conception to birth, can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. Whether you're a first-time parent or adding a new member to your family, each step brings anticipation, joy, and, understandably, a fair share of anxiety.  Amidst this whirlwind of emotions, many mothers are turning to a compassionate and knowledgeable ally: the doula.

What Is a Doula?

Doulas are trained professionals who provide continuous emotional, physical, and informational support to mothers during and after childbirth. They help mothers achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible. Unlike medical professionals, a doula's role is supportive, focusing on the mother's comfort and well-being.

What Is the Difference between a Doula and a Midwife?

While both doulas and midwives play critical roles in pregnancy and childbirth, their responsibilities and scope of practice differ.

  • Doulas
    are non-medical professionals who focus on comfort, support, and advocacy. They do not perform clinical tasks but instead offer emotional and physical support, help with information gathering, and assist in navigating the healthcare system.
  • Midwives or certified nurse midwives (CNMs) are healthcare professionals who provide medical care and supervision during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. They can conduct medical examinations, prescribe medications, and deliver babies. Midwives promote low-risk pregnancies through natural childbirth practices.

Connect with
Circle City Midwifery for comprehensive pregnancy care. We have certified nurse midwives, doulas, and an on-call physician to assist you every step of the way.

What Are the Benefits of a Doula?

Having a solid support system by your side during pregnancy, childbirth, and the early days of parenting can make all the difference. Discover why a doula is an invaluable addition to your birth team.

1. Great Emotional Support

Doulas specialize in providing emotional reassurance. Their role includes comforting the expecting mother through words of encouragement, maintaining a respectful presence, and actively listening to her concerns and needs. They create a safe and comforting space where the birthing person feels less stress and anxiety. 

2. Better Physical Comfort

Doulas help alleviate pain and make labor more manageable through therapeutic touch, massage, and effective positions that alleviate discomfort during labor. They also instruct breathing techniques that make pain bearable. Their hands-on support shortens the duration of labor and decreases the mother's perception of pain.

3. Enhanced Preparation and Communication

During pregnancy, a doula prepares families on what to expect during labor, discussing pain management techniques and childbirth options. They help develop a birth plan that reflects the birthing person’s wishes.

Moreover, doulas advocate for the mother, helping facilitate communication between the laboring person, their partner, and clinical care providers. They ensure that the mother’s voice is heard and her wishes are considered, particularly in hospital settings with standardized practices.

4. Increased Satisfaction

Doulas provide educational support and information to help expecting parents make informed decisions about their birthing plan. This information includes explaining different medical interventions and natural birth options. The doula's knowledge empowers the mother to feel more confident in her choices, leading to a more controlled and fulfilling birthing experience.

Studies have shown that birthing persons with doula care during childbirth are more likely to have a
positive labor experience. They report higher satisfaction with their pregnancy and are less likely to view their childbirth in a negative light.

5. Lower Intervention Rates

Birthing persons assisted by doulas during childbirth tend to have lower rates of medical interventions. There’s a reduction in cesarean rates, less frequent use of instruments like vacuum or forceps, and decreased requests for pain relief medication. The supportive presence of a doula contributes to a higher likelihood of spontaneous vaginal births, as their encouragement and guidance help the mother cope more effectively with labor.

6. Better Psychological Outcomes

Support from a doula may reduce the incidence of postpartum depression. A doula’s presence and guidance during and after delivery help buffer the emotional challenges of early motherhood, leading to improved maternal mental health.

7. Reliable Support for the Partner

A doula can also support the birthing person’s partner by guiding them on how to be involved in the birth to the extent they feel comfortable. They enhance the partner’s experience and confidence, making the event more fulfilling and less stressful.

8. Improved Postpartum Adjustment

The benefits of doula support extend beyond the delivery room. In the postpartum period, doulas offer guidance on newborn care, breastfeeding, and emotional and physical recovery from birth. As a result, mothers recover faster and adjust to new parenting responsibilities smoothly. 

babies born with doula support tend to have shorter hospital stays and breastfeed sooner.

Choosing the Right Doula

These steps will help you choose a doula who best fits your needs and preferences:

1. Identify Your Birth Preferences

Before searching for a doula, consider what kind of birth experience you envision. Do you prefer a natural birth, or are you open to medical interventions? Are you birthing in a hospital, home, or birthing center? Understanding your preferences will help you find a doula who supports your choices.

2. Research and Referrals

Research “doula services near me” on any search engine. Local parenting groups and childbirth educators are also great resources. Personal referrals from friends or healthcare providers can also lead you to experienced doulas with a proven track record.

3. Interview Potential Doulas

Once you have a list of candidates, arrange interviews. Most doulas are willing to do an initial consultation at no charge. That’s your chance to ask about their experience, certification, approach to childbirth, availability, fees, and the services they include. Notice if they seem genuinely interested in your vision and concerns.

4. Discuss Experience and Training

Ask about their training and experience in the field. Are they certified by any reputable doula organization? How many births have they attended? Are they familiar with your chosen birth setting and local healthcare providers?

5. Check Compatibility

The right doula for you is someone you can trust and feel comfortable with. During the interview, assess whether their communication style, philosophy, and approach align with your needs. Your doula will be a key support person during a very intimate experience, so it’s essential that you feel a strong sense of comfort and rapport.

6. Evaluate Their Scope of Support

Find out what kind of support they offer. Do they provide help with birth planning, labor support, and postpartum visits? How do they support your partner during labor? Understanding the scope of what they provide will help you gauge how well they will be able to meet your expectations.

Doula Services at Circle City Midwifery

Doulas bridge the gap between medical care and the need for a compassionate, personalized birth experience. From offering emotional comfort and physical relief to advocating for informed choices and facilitating positive birth outcomes, doulas empower birthing persons and their families during one of life’s most significant transitions.

Our doulas at Circle City Midwifery work closely with our midwives to ensure that each mother feels supported, informed, and empowered throughout her pregnancy and birth journey.

For more information or to schedule a consultation with one of our doulas, please call 951-547-4208 or
complete our online form. We are committed to providing the support and care you need for a healthy and joyful birthing experience.

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